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Week 1


🟢 Forking the repos and setting up everything locally 🟢 Getting a view of how Glific works 🟢 Learn elixir and practice on Exercism 🟢 Take up small issues and work them on Github 🟢 Attend daily standups at 9.45 am IST


🏅 Frontend PR 🏅 Readme PR 🏅 Bug PR


🎯 Milestone 1: Set up Glific on my local environment

I installed the necessary dependencies and tools for local development. I cloned the Glific repository from the version control system to my local machine. I verified that Glific is running correctly on my local machine.

🎯 Milestone 2: Identify and address issues faced

I thoroughly explored the Glific application and its documentation to understand its structure and functionality. I started using Glific locally and tested various features and functionalities.

🎯 Milestone 3: Update the README file

I reviewed the existing README file in the Glific repository. I identified areas where the README could be improved to provide clearer instructions, troubleshooting steps, or additional information.

🎯 Milestone 4: Create a pull request (PR)

I committed the changes made to the README file to the branch. I engaged in discussions and addressed any feedback or comments on the pull request.